...it's 4pm and what a great way to start my new blog:
Phoenix just released a new song from their upcoming album through their website. It is called "1901".
Phoenix for me are a little bit like an old friend from school. I am not seeing them very often, but every contact or sign of existence makes me feel warm and happy. There is hardly a "living" band, that found its way so deep into my soul, because they were with me in situations, where i needed a remedy for my soul, which for me is the best way to describe "the sound of Phoenix".
Years ago i split up with a girlfriend and felt really dark, shitty and depressed (you know how that feels...). I decided to escape the Berlin winter and my crap state of mind to the south of Portugal for a week and the day before i left, i bought "United", the first album by a new french band called Phoenix. It really changed my life, no shit! The CD did not leave my Cd-player for a whole week (truth). There was a warmth in their music, that really worked like medicine to me. When i came back, i felt so much better and the reason was honestly "United" (lets say combined with the south of Portugal...).
Few months later i was going to play a festical in Mallorca with le hammond inferno and guess who was going to be there, too: yep, Phoenix!
I was feeling really special about seeing them play live. But that wasn't so easy. They were stuck on the airport, because all of their band equipment arrived ages too late on the island, so they almost did not play at all. They were put back in the line-up from a 8pm slot to later to later to later to... very late in the night, but they came and they played without any sound/linecheck at 3 in the night.
The festival was called "Isladencanta" and it was situated in the middle of the island in a valley between some mountains and the site was breathtakingly beautiful. For some reason there was hardly any audience there, but it looked amazing, because behind the big stage there was a mountain and on the mountain was a small cemetery. so you looked at the band and because there was no backdrop, you could see the graves in the back.... (do i need to say more...?).
They played and it was... well, you know how it was...
Coincidence happened, that we shared the same shuttle bus back to the Hotel after our shows, so i was sitting there with Phoenix, feeling like a small kid... I gathered all my strength and told them the story about "United" and my Portugal and they reacted so touched, it really meant something to them, i felt. I will never forget that special ride in the bus my whole life. They were extremly nice people (as they still are now) and until today i deejayed several times for their shows so we meet from time to time...
It will be out in may and has the fantastic title "Wolfgang Amdeus Phoenix". Here is a first song from it. Enjoy it as much as i do and if i bored you with my long private story: i don't care!
There is also a dj-mix compilation "Kitsune Maison 6" available by Phoenix on Kitsune. check it out!
>>>PHOENIX - 1901
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